Recycling Directory
This site gives names, addresses and phone numbers of facilities in Louisiana that accept recycled goods. Those goods include plastics, motor oil, copper, aluminum, food and beverage containers, acids and caustics, absorbents, 48 x 40 pallets, activated carbon, aluminum cans, antifreeze, antique timbers, appliances, asbestos, auto radiators, automotive batteries, batteries, belts, books, bottles, glass, calcium carbonate, car radiators, cardboard, clothing, compressed gas cylinders,
computers and electronics, contaminated soils, water, etc., copper, crude oil, curbside recycling, electronic scrap, empty laser printer toner cartridges, daily office mix, ferrous metal and scrap metal, fuel, fluorescent lightbulbs, furniture, household items, iron, junk mail, lead, lead acid batteries, lithium ion batteries, magazines, mercury, mercury containing devices, mercury thermostats, mixed paper, motor oil, newspaper, newsprint, nicad batteries, nickel cadmium batteries,
non-ferrous materials, non-ferrous metal, non hazardous waste, office waste, oil, old newspaper, paper, phone books, plastics, printers, purses, radiators, recycled wooden pallets, reefers, repairable pallets, scrap metal, shoes, small electrical items, socks, stainless steel, steel, steel cans, stretch wrap film, styrofoam peanuts, styrofoam, tin, tin cans, tires, toner cartridges, toys, transmission fluid, transmissions, usable clothing and textiles, white goods, white office paper, wood waste products, zinc and more.
Source: DEQ Louisiana website
Dishwasher soap, RFM and sidewalks
I have heard now very good reviews from friends who tried the homemade
dishwashing soap, read the earlier posting and recipe from here. You can
use this so...
16 years ago
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